11 January 2016

Garlic-oily parmesan-ladden basil-strewn antipasto pasta

HAPPY 2016 MY LITTLE SPRINKLETTES (all superstars have names for their fans, obv)

I'm sure you're all hitting the gym and eating healthily. Good for you. I'm certainly not. If you are, please do not continue reading this post. This recipe (/ list of ingredients you must chop and put in a bowl) is an India Lyons special and is simple, extremely moreish and utterly divine. One for the more gluttonous among us. A large bowl of garlicy oil covered vegetables, nutty parmesan, fresh basil and oodles of pasta.

I know I told you to stop reading if you are all "new year-new me" but I know you won't have because you are a total sprinklette and so, for you special people, I have used courgetti. It has nothing on pasta but this sauce is beyond scrumptious and could be paired with disgusting food like sweetcorn or cannellini beans and you'd still lick your bowl and want more.

1. If you are not afraid of gluten, start cooking your delectable spaghetti

2. Drain and chop your green olives

3. Chop all your anitpasto vegetables, conserving their oily goodness in your bowl

2. Chop the fresh tomatoes in quarters, chop half the basil and crush the garlic cloves into the veg

3. Season with salt, pepper and chilli flakes and stir everything up

4. Drain the pasta or prepare the courgetti (do a little courgetti willy dance) and stir through the vegetables

5. Plonk some basil leaves on the top, serve up and shave on copious amounts of parmesan

Happy eating,



  • 280g jar, mixed mushroom antipasto
  • 280g jar, sundried tomatoes
  • 280g jar, chargrilled peppers antipasto
  • 350g jar, green olives
  • 28g bag, fresh basil
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • a courgette each, or spaghetti 
  • a dash of salt, pepper and chilli flakes
  • a hefty sprinkling of parmesan
  • a handful of fresh baby plum tomatoes

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